Lỗi 0 đến 19 máy in HP | HP error code 0-19

Lỗi 13 máy in HP

Mã lỗi máy in HP - ERROR CODE HP

Mã từ 0 đến 19

HP LaserJet Error Codes 0 - 19

Dưới đây là các mã lỗi cho các dòng HP LaserJet, cho các mã khác nhau, 0-19. Xin lưu ý những giải thích được mô tả chung cho TẤT CẢ LaserJets, thường xuyên thông tin chi tiết hơn sẽ được áp dụng nếu bạn tìm kiếm một mã lỗi cụ thể trên một mô hình cụ thể (ví dụ "50.9 lỗi LaserJet 3000") Có một câu hỏi? Gọi cho chúng tôi  để biết thêm thông tin.

Below are error codes for the HP LaserJet series, for codes ranging from 0-19.  Please note the explanations are general descriptions for ALL LaserJets, often more detailed info will be available if you search for a specific error code on a specific model (e.g. "50.9 error LaserJet 3000")   Have a question? Call      for more information. 


Message on printer display

What it means

What to do


Media is jammed at the specified location (and possibly at other locations). If the message persists after all jams have been cleared, a sensor or sensor lever might be stuck or broken.

For all jam messages, do the following: 1. Remove jammed print media from the specified location. Check the entire paper path for other pieces of media in the path. 2. Open and close the top cover to clear the message. 3. Check sensors and flags in the paper path for proper operation.


A non-specific paper jam occurred.

1. Remove jammed media from the specified location. 2. Verify the paper tray is fully closed. 3. Inspect and/or replace the feed and separation rollers. 4. Ensure there is no obstruction in the path, such as a torn piece of paper. 5. Open and close the top cover to clear the message. 6. Check sensors and flags for proper operation.


Paper-delay jam at paperfeed area.

1. Ensure that paper trays are loaded and adjusted properly so media can feed from the tray. It might be necessary to reduce the stack height of media in the tray. 2. Check the input area for obstructions such as media in the path. Also check to see if the registration assembly damaged or unseated. 3. Replace any defective sensors or flags. 4. Verify the media meets the specifications. 5. Check the pickup feed and separation rollers for unusual wear. Replace as needed. 6. Rotate the media in the input tray by 180° and/or turn it over


Jam at duplexer

1. Check the duplexer and the rear area of the printer for obstructions or damage. 2. Check the duplexer for proper operation. Replace the duplexer if necessary. 3. Check also fuser and rear diverter assembly for jamming issues.


For Laserjet 5si. This error is caused by a defective paper control PCA

Replace the paper control PCA


Paper-stopped jam at paper-feed area.

1. Check the input area for obstructions such as paper in the path. Also check to see if the registration assembly is damaged or if the transfer roller is out of place. 2. Replace any defective sensors or flags. 3. Ensure the media does not exceed the maximum length. 4. If multiple sheets are feeding, it might be necessary to fan the media and reduce the stack height. Also, replace separation pad. 5. Verify that the fuser is properly installed.


Media stopped in the paper path during power on or when the top door was closed.

1. Remove all media in the paper path, and then open and close the top cover. 2. If the message persists after all media is removed: Check if media is jammed in the prefeed area. Replace any defective sensors or flags


The top cover was open while printing

1. Clear the jam and close the top door. 2. If the message persists, check the top door switch for proper operation.


Paper-delay jam at fuser.

1. Check the transfer roller and small media belt to ensure they are operating and can feed print media into the fuser. 2. Check the paper path for obstructions near the transfer roller, toner cartridge, paper feed assembly, and fuser. 4. Try removing and reseating the fuser. 5. Examine the fuser gears and drive gears for wear. 6. If needed replace fuser or appropriate drive gears, or both. 7. If false error message continues, replace DC controller.


Paper-stopped jam at fuser.

1. Check the paper path for obstructions at the fuser and output/delivery area. 2. Reseat the fuser. 3. Replace any worn drive gears, defective sensors or flags.


A non-specific paper jam occurred.

1. Remove jammed media from the specified location. 2. Verify the paper tray is fully closed. 3. Inspect and/or replace the feed and separation rollers. 4. Ensure there is no obstruction in the path, such as a torn piece of paper. 5. Open and close the top cover to clear the message. 6. Check sensors and flags for proper operation

tải chọn bộ mã lỗi tại đây

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TRUNG TÂM DỊCH VỤ KỸ THUẬT BẢO TÍN ĐC: Số 240 Nguyễn Văn Linh - Tp. Hải Dương. Mobile: 0983 593 218 (zalo/facebook)
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